Friday, August 22, 2008

Babymoon in Cabo

My wife (7 months pregnant) and I recently took a little vacation down to Baja California in Cabo San Lucas where we did a couple baby bump photo shoots. I was really pleased with the way they came out! She looked beautiful and so did our baby girl, Makayla.

I enjoy photographing my wife, and now I have another gem to photograph.

Everytime I look, I see a miracle.

The incredible amount of love a woman can bring to this world.

I felt this moment said it all.

I have always enjoyed traveling and using the scenery has much as possible to create life. Everything around us has the potential to make a great moment, if we just let it.

1 comment:

Rachelle Watson said...

Beautiful shots of your wife. My favorite is the one of her kneeling in the sand looking @ her stomach. It is an incredible experience to carry a child>>>All the Good outways the Bad, by far!